Saturday, September 11, 2010

How to Make a Memorable Impression on a Guy? He Will Really Like You After You Follow These Tips

You do not want to be the type of woman who does not make an impression on a guy, you want him to remember you and admire you. A fleeting impression is not going to help him stay attracted to you. Here are some ways in which to make a memorable and lasting impression on a guy.
Say something that will stick in his memory
Be witty and sound interesting. Men have a thing about women who are literally dumb and don't have a thing to say! If she cannot voice her thoughts, feelings and ideas in an intelligent way - he will begin to lose interest no matter how gorgeous she looks! SO if you want to make an impression, say something witty and interesting that will grab his attention.
Wear something that will blow his mind
It goes without saying that a beautiful dress will always make a man look at you twice. Take care to dress in a fashion that will make him want to be with you. Remember it is the first time you are meeting him and the first impression is usually the lasting one! Wear something that will make you look sexy, beautiful and appealing.
Do something that will make him remember you
Men have a way of remembering something that is out of the ordinary. Even a simple gesture or action on your part will stay in his memory. If you lean forward to brush off an imaginary speck from his coat, or make sure your thigh "accidentally" brushes his, he is bound to remember that!
Impress him with your personality
The trick is to show him that you are full of confidence and that you have a high self esteem. This will automatically impress him and he will try to get to know you better. Once you talk to him let him see that you are cool, collected and self assured. This type of attitude is a definite turn on.
Show him that you have class
All you have to do is show him that you are a class apart and all the other women around you are way below par! The way you speak, dress, walk and behave will prove whether you have sophistication and class. Your manner will put you in a class that is above the common and this is going to impress the hell out of him!
Stand out as an example
No matter what company you are in - you have to endeavor to stand out in the crowd. This means going the extra mile and working hard to put the competition around in the shade! If you have to buy a new wardrobe, get expert help with your makeup and hair, learn how to be poised and elegant - do it!
Have an "untouchable" air about you
As soon as a man thinks that you are unavailable and "untouchable" - they yearn to have you! This is because they want to prove that they are irresistible and can get any woman they want. The harder you make it for him, the more he is going to want to capture you. He will want to prove that you are not the "ice maiden" you pretend to be!

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